Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Favorite Camera - I've missed I'm bringing her back.

This camera taught me how to take pictures. Before I got her, I had been photographing for about...10 years...but never like this. This was BEFORE digital was even on any artist's mind. I graduated with a photography fine art degree.....but didn't really know how to take a picture until this camera came into my life. At least not the kind of photos that I felt spoke to and for me.'s been quite a few years since I've shot with this camera. A lot has happened in my life since I used this camera almost exclusively. I've had two kids. I've passed the 12 year marriage mark. I've opened my own photography studio.

So, in the move to my studio, there she was. I tucked her away on a shelf, but today, after a good talk with a photographer friend yesterday, I pulled her out and here she is. I took a couple shots of a beautiful 4 year old girl today, Mollie. I will show those photos soon.

In the meantime, here is my camera, in my studio, as well as one of my all time favorite photos that I took with it. It is a photo of my BFF from childhood. She is 8 months pregnant and stunning. I am now offering portraits with this camera. It's time to bring my roots back into the game.

gina 8 months

1 comment:

Paz123 said...

Lovely stuff!! I too love my camera which got from Circuit City last month!! I love to captured beautiful and amazing pictures!!