It's true, I LOVE doing home portrait sessions. It's so nice to be able to hang out with the kiddos to see their rooms, to see how they play, play dress up,hug their parents. Don't get me wrong, photographing in all settings is great, but to be able to get a glimpse of different lives, and to take my shoes off and be's great. Here are a few from a session last week.
I have been posting to my blog now for about a year, and I love it. I love how I can publish my newest work immediately, plus fun photos from my kids, my life, my travels...and it's not confining like a static website. Not that there is anything wrong with (my) a website, it's just this blog can be so quick and current! But it allows me the freedom to choose my favorite photos, both work and personal, and so you, can see what I'm really about.
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