Thursday, April 2, 2009

Moms Who Click

A couple years ago...has it been that long...a kick ass east bay mom photographer Angela Lang got in touch with a bunch of us. She thought it would be a great idea for us "competitors" to all meet/hang out/drink wine/talk photo talk/and everything in between. It's been one of the best group relationships I've ever been in. It's a place for us photo-moms to talk shop, but also to get advice, share OPEN and sharing with our experiences and knowledge. We got (those who could be there) together the other day at Jen Molander's beautiful new house in Montclair to hang and catch up. Here are a few pics...mainly of Mary McHenry's cutie, but also of Angela and her newbie.

1 comment:

Mary McHenry said...

Amy- love these! That second one of Sky and I makes my heart swoon. I will give you my baby for a print. Thank you for bringing your camera- finally I have photos of me and my girl.